What’s in the Cross Reference Library? A Story Worth Telling

Epic - This dramatic retelling of the gospel illuminates the unique role we can play in the amazing story God is telling. Sure, good things happen, sometimes beautiful things. But tragic things happen too. What does it mean? We find ourselves in the middle of a story that is sometimes wonderful, sometimes awful, usually a confusing mixture of both, and we haven’t a clue how to make sense of it all. No wonder we keep losing heart. We need to know the rest of the story. For when we were born, we were born into the midst of a great story begun before the dawn of time. A story of adventure, of risk and loss, heroism . . . and betrayal. A story where good is warring against evil, danger lurks around every corner, and glorious deeds wait to be done. Think of all those stories you’ve ever loved. There’s a reason they stirred your heart. They’ve been trying to tell you about the true Epic ever since you were young. There is a larger story and you have a crucial role to play.

Keeping a Princess Heart - How can a woman live with hope . . . in the midst of reality? You were once a little girl, dreaming of "happily ever after" like a fairy-tale princess. But unlike the fantasy world of Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella, reality has hit you hard. Living in the not-so-fairy-tale world of laundry, kids, carpools, and your sometimes not-so-charming prince, you wonder how your heart will survive, because what you have isn't even close to what you hoped for. Hang on! Real hope is found in the tension between the two?in an invisible kingdom. This place is where you discover the true heart of a princess. One full of dreams, wonder, delight, and joy. With rich insights and compelling stories, Nicole helps you discover the timeless truths that can transform a woman's heart into the heart of a princess. You are recognized by the King, loved by the Prince, and promised the happiest "happily ever after" of all times.

A Different Kind of Love Story - For anyone who has ever struggled with their identity, Landra Young Hughes has a radically simple message: give up. Specifically, give up your need to be in control of how other people see you. Instead, let God's words--not yours and not others'--define you. Through her own deeply personal story of trying to control her circumstances and others' perceptions of her through an eating disorder, Landra points the way toward a life free from self-obsession and self-resentment. She shows you how to listen to God's voice, let go of the struggle for perfection, and live authentically from your deepest self.

People love stories. Whether it’s a TV show, movie, a book, or even the news, we want to know what happens next. Plots and characters, different places and journeys. And you know, if you start to read through the Bible, every book from Genesis to Revelation, has a story to tell. In Genesis, there is a new character and plot revealed with every chapter. I will say, God is probably THE BEST AND ULTIMATE AUTHOR! His penmen did not hold back when they were going about writing everything that was going on. One of my favorite examples of this is the last verse of Nehemiah 1, “O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant, and to the prayer of your servants who delight to fear your name, and give success to your servant today, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man.’

Now I was cupbearer to the king.” 

I just think it is so epic how right after this heartfelt prayer there is a real statement of, “this is who I am and I am ready to serve the Lord.” The story of Esther is another good example, because God isn’t really mentioned but He sure-as-heck had a part! In Esther 4:14 it says, “For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” For such a time as this. You know, when I was reading Epic for this post, one of the things that John Eldredge said was, “What will happen next? You don’t get to know—you have to enter in and take the journey as it comes.” As THE author, God knows our stories. He knows our stories better than we do. Proverbs 16:9 says, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” So as sons and daughters of the King, how are we living out the stories that have been established for us? Are we remembering to trust the Lord as we continue to move forward? Let’s live our stories well, honoring the author everyday. I greatly recommend all 3 of these books! So come on into the Cross Reference Library and check them out.